Chris wordt vermeld in de belangrijkste juridische referentiewerken:

"Chris Engels specialises in dismissal law and is an expert in matters concerning European labour law. One respondent says, "He has a sound legal knowledge and is extremely responsive. He is very commercial and pragmatic – a leader in the field.”
Bovendien werd hij genomineerd tot nummer één Thought Leader in Europa voor Labour & Employment Law in 2017. Chris behoort ook tot de 26 Belgische experten op vlak van Labour, Employment & Benefits Law die opgelijst zijn in Who’s Who Legal: Labour & Employment 2017. In 2018 wordt hij als volgt vermeld: “The “prompt, practical and business-focused” Chris Engels is recognised as one of the foremost figures in employment law. He draws high praise for his work in dismissal law and labour matters across Europe, with sources highlighting his “invaluable willingness to offer a view on risks and a real opinion on what to do”.” In 2019 vermeldt de gids het volgende : "A Global Elite Thought Leader in the field, Chris Engels is "unmistakably one of the best". Respondents to the Who's Who Legal research were effusive in their praise of his work on individual and collective employee dismissals." In de Who’s Who Legal 2021, wordt hij als volgt vermeld: “Chris Engels is “truly brilliant on Belgian and international employment law” according to market commentators, who regard him as a “very insightful and excellent” lawyer.” In de 2022 editie van de gids, vermeldt Who’s Who Legal Chris als volgt: “Chris Engels is lauded for his top-tier employment practice which spans restructurings, as well as negotiations pertaining to individual and collective dismissal".”

Regarded as one of the leading employment law specialists in Belgium, Chris Engels has notable experience advising employers on collective dismissals and the transfer of employees to offices in other jurisdictions. He also represents clients in the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements and voluntary separation plans. One client enthuses that Chris Engels is "in my view, one of the best lawyers I know," and particularly highlights that "his technical knowledge is enormous." (2022)

Described as "outstanding", Chris Engels advises clients on restructuring and works council negotiations, with one interviewee declaring: "Engels has an important background on European work councils." According to a source, "he is the best-reputed lawyer in the Belgian market." (2021)

"Chris Engelsis described by sources as a "great lawyer". His practice covers outsourcing, collective dismissals and transfers of undertakings. In addition to his domestic knowledge, Engels is also considered an expert in European labour law." (2018)

"Described as "top in Belgium," Chris Engels is praised by sources who note his "practical mind" and say there is "absolutely no doubt about his technical expertise." He handles individual and collective dismissals and outsourcing, receiving recognition for his knowledge of international law." (2017)

"Claeys & Engels‘ team has an excellent reputation for its ‘in-depth and solid knowledge of employment law‘. Restructuring and pensions matters are core areas of strength for the ‘solution-minded‘ team, which also advises clients on immigration issues. Chris Engels and the ‘empathic‘ Olivier Wouters jointly lead the group, which includes Sophie Maes."

Chris legt zich toe op het individuele en het collectieve arbeidsrecht, meer bepaald op het individuele en collectieve ontslagrecht. Hij is ook specialist inzake de problematiek van de overdracht van ondernemingen, outsourcing en het toepasselijke recht in een internationale context.. Op het vlak van het Europese recht schenkt Chris ook een bijzondere aandacht aan de problematiek van de Europese ondernemingsraad.

Chris trad reeds op als expert voor de Europese Unie onder andere wat  betreft de Europese Ondernemingsraad en de Evolutie van het arbeidsrecht. Naast deze instelling adviseerde hij ook reeds voor de Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie.

Chris behaalde zijn diploma rechten aan de KU Leuven, waar hij tevens doctor in de rechten werd. Hij behaalde eveneens een Master of Laws diploma aan de University of California, Los Angeles, USA (UCLA). Chris doceert thans aan de Rechtsfaculteit van de K.U.Leuven. Hij doceert het vak "Arbeidsrecht en Onderneming" en "European Labour Law". Chris publiceert veel op het gebied van het sociaal recht en neemt daaromtrent ook veel deel aan seminaries, zowel op nationaal als internationaal vlak.