Hiring and recruitment

The NSSO adopts a clear position on the issue: the young graduates who graduated in June will be able to continue to work under an agreement for student employment until 30 September of the current year.

The employee must be considered a student when he/she is no longer subject to an obligation of full-time compulsory attendance at school but continues to follow a full-time education or part-time education (under certain conditions).

The question arose whether a student who graduated in June who made clear he/she did not want to pursue his/her studies, e.g. by registering as a jobseeker, could still be employed under an agreement for student employment, with a solidarity contribution, until 30 September of the year in which he/she graduated.

The NSSO recalls that this employment can not, under any circumstances, be used as a disguised probation period under an ordinary employment agreement.

Nothing changes for graduates pursuing further study: they continue to be considered as students.

> For more information on student employment, we refer to our Newsletter of 23 January 2012.

Action points

  • There is no need to worry about plans to engage a recently graduated student under a student employment agreement during the summer.
  • Remain cautious if the objective is to engage the student under an ordinary employment agreement as of October.