

Geographic coverage

First layer -

Until EUR 1,250,000 each claim





First layer -

Until EUR 2,500,000 each claim

(through the bar policies - mandatory insurance)

For the lawyers registered at the Liège and Brussels (French) bars:

Ethias Assurance

rue des Croisiers 24

4000 Liège


For the lawyers registered at the Brussels (Dutch), Antwerp, Ghent, Limburg and West Flanders bars:

Amlin Europe SE

(lead insurer)

Boulevard Roi Albert II 37

1030 Brussels

Worldwide, except for USA/Canada claims ("Difference in Conditions" cover in the Second layer)

Second layer -

Until EUR 10,000,000 per claim in "Difference in Conditions" and "Difference in Limits" compared to the bar policies

AIG Europe Limited - Belgian branch

Boulevard de la Plaine 11

1050 Brussels

Worldwide cover

(Remark: the insurance limit for the USA/Canada claims is limited to EUR 25,000,000 per claim and EUR 50,000,000 per year)

Third layer -

EUR 10,000,000 per claim in excess of EUR 10,000,000 EUR (see above)

HDI Global Specialty SE, Belgian Branch

(main insurer)

Avenue de Tervuren 273/4

1150 Brussels