Social elections

On day X-60 at the latest (i.e. between 11 and 24 December 2015), employers must launch the social elections procedure by communicating a range of information.

On day X-60 at the latest (i.e. between 11 and 24 December 2015, depending on the date of day Y), employers have to provide the following information:

  • the delimitation of the technical business unit (hereinafter TBU);
  • the number of workers employed in the TBU on day X-60 by category: young workers, blue-collar workers and white-collar workers (management staff and executives included);
  • the functions of the management staff (their title and their description) with, for information purposes, the names of those individuals who perform those duties;
  • the dates of day X and day Y;
  • only for the Works Council elections (and provided that the company employs at least 30 white-collar workers): the functions of the executives with, for information purposes, the names of the individuals who perform those duties.

The employer must give this information in writing (and in the applicable language) to:

  • the Works Council and the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work, or in the absence of such bodies, the Trade Union Delegation;
  • the workers: by posting it up or via an electronic channel (for example via Intranet provided that all workers have access during their normal working hours);
  • the three representative union organizations (CGSLB/ACLVB, CSC/ACV, FGTB/ABVV) and to the union organization representing the executives (CNC/NCK), by mail or by uploading the information on the web application of the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue.

Between day X-60 and day X-35, the employer consults the Works Council and the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (or in the absence of such bodies, the Trade Union Delegation) on: the delimitation of the TBU, the functions of the management staff and, only for the Works Council, the functions of the executives. On day X-35, the employer must communicate its decision on those elements.

We would like to remind you that you should also check the company's data provided in the web application of the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue before day X-60.

> Action point

Check whether your documents are ready for day X-60.   Between day X-60 and day X-35 you must consult the Works Council and the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (or in the absence of such bodies, the Trade Union Delegation).